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Multiple reports creating


This documentation paragraph will be available soon.

Assessment code

assessment "First report 1"
    metrics first_1
        first1 = (1,1,1)   

    metrics first_2
        first2 = triangle(3,2,4,6) 

    print first_1,first_2;
    make excel report "First report";

assessment "Second report 2"
    metrics second_1
        second1 = sigmoid(3,4,5)    

    metrics second_2

        second2 = (100,200,369)    

    print second_1,second_2;
    make excel report "Second report";

What are we going to get from the assessments?

Generated reports

Created reports can be downloaded from here.

Numerical result

    > Metric sets values:

    Metric: first_1
    Values: {'first1': {'type': 'linear', 'data': {0: Token(NUMBER, '1'), 1: Token(NUMBER, '1'), 2: Token(NUMBER, '1')}}}

    Metric: first_2
    Values: {'first2': {'type': 'triangle', 'data': {0: Token(NUMBER, '3'), 1: Token(NUMBER, '2'), 2: Token(NUMBER, '4'), 3: Token(NUMBER, '6')}}}

    > Metric sets values:

    Metric: second_1
    Values: {'second1': {'type': 'sigmoid', 'data': {0: Token(NUMBER, '3'), 1: Token(NUMBER, '4'), 2: Token(NUMBER, '5')}}}

    Metric: second_2
    Values: {'second2': {'type': 'linear', 'data': {0: Token(NUMBER, '100'), 1: Token(NUMBER, '200'), 2: Token(NUMBER, '369')}}}

    > Code successufully executed.