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Beginner tutorial


This beginner tutorial will guide you through the basic ITL capabilites. For the sake of demonstration, we will assess the perfomance metrics of the digital product used by a bank. The bank name is going to be E_bank. Of course, when we speak about digital products, it is implied that we speak of e-banking web application.

What are we going to measure and assess?

We will define three metrics that will be used within this evaluation system. Metrics definitions (monitored on a monthly basis):

Metric 1: Number of complaints

Definition: The number of users' complaints about the web application performance.

Metric parameters:

Parameter Value
Fuzzy type: Type 2 ↘️
Ideal value (b) 0
Worst value (a) 5

Metric 2: Newly issued credit cards

Definition: The number of newly issued credit cards

Metric parameters:

Parameter Value
Fuzzy type: Type 1 ↗️
Ideal value (b) 400 pcs.
Worst value (a) 100 pcs.

Metric 3: Application screen time

Definition: The average period of time a user spends using the web application on a daily basis

Metric parameters:

Parameter Value
Fuzzy type: Type 1 ↗️
Ideal value (b) 15 min
Worst value (a) 1 min

Assessment code

assessment "June Performance Assessment Report — E-Bank"
    # We define sets of metrics for the E-Bank
    metrics E_Bank
        # Defining the Complaints metric
        Compl = (2,25,5)
        New_Credit_Cards = (369,100,400)
        Screen_Time = (7.4,5,15)
    # Assess performance of the E-Bank
    grade E_Bank;

What are we going to get from the assessment?

Numerical result

> Metric grade:

 Metric set: {'E_Bank': {'Compl': 60.0, 'New_Credit_Cards': 89.667, 'Screen_Time': 24.0}}
 Grade: 58/100 points
 Grade zone: orange

> Code successufully executed.

Radar chart

Radar Chart


This documentation paragraph will be available soon.