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Keyboard shortcuts

Supported keyboard shortcuts

The following table shows the complete list of keyboard shortcuts supported by ITL Development Studio:

Action Keyboard shortcut Action result
Help F1 System default browser opens online help.
New project Ctrl+N New project opens.
Open project Ctrl+O Open file dialogue is opened.
Save project Ctrl+S Current active project is saved.
Save poject as Ctrl+Alt+S Save file as dialoge is opened.
Clear text in code editor Ctrl+D Code editor text is cleared.
Cut Ctrl+X The selected text is transfered to a clipboard.
Copy Ctrl+C The selected text is copied to a clipboard.
Paste Ctrl+V Copied text from a clipboard is pasted.
Undo Ctrl+Z The last user action is undoed.
Redo Ctrl+Y The last user action is redoed.
Exit Alt+F4 Exits the ITL Development Studio.