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Creating the Excel report

Example code for report generating

assessment "June Performance Assessment Report - E-bank Group"
    metrics E_bank_1
        Compl = gauss2(2.4,6,3,8,3)
        New_Credit_Cards = (218,100,400)
        Screen_Time = trapezoid("-",4,1,5,10,16)
        New_Loans = sigmoid("-",2.3,6.2,8.4)
        Loan_Lead_Time = (4.43,30,15) 
    metrics E_bank_2
        Compl = gauss2(3.5,6,3,8,3)
        New_Credit_Cards = (295,100,400)
        Screen_Time = triangle(4.9,1,5,15)
        New_Loans = sigmoid("-",7.3,6.2,8.4)
        Loan_Lead_Time = (8.82,30,15)
    metrics E_bank_3
        Compl = gauss(1.2,6,3)
        New_Credit_Cards = (191,100,400)
        Screen_Time = triangle(9.5,1,5,15)
        New_Loans = sigmoid("-",7.3,6.2,8.4)
        Loan_Lead_Time = (2.52,30,15) 
  grade cumulative E_bank_1, E_bank_2, E_bank_3;

  grade singular E_bank_1, E_bank_2, E_bank_3;

  grade comparative E_bank_1, E_bank_2;

  print E_bank_1, E_bank_2, E_bank_3;

  make excel report "Excel_Tutorial";

Structure of the generated Excel report

List of the all assessment metrics

# Set Name Type Sign Param v Param a Param b Param c Param d
0 E_bank_1 Compl Gaussian type 2 + 2.4 6 3 8 3
1 E_bank_1 New_Credit_Cards Linear + 218 100 400 / /
2 E_bank_1 Screen_Time Trapezoidal - 4 1 5 10 16
3 E_bank_1 New_Loans Sigmoidal - 2.3 6.2 8.4 / /
4 E_bank_1 Loan_Lead_Time Linear + 4.43 30 15 / /
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
12 E_bank_3 Screen_Time Triangular + 9.5 1 5 15 /
13 E_bank_3 New_Loans Sigmoidal - 7.3 6.2 8.4 / /
14 E_bank_3 Loan_Lead_Time Linear + 2.52 30 15 / /

List of the individual grades

# Metric Grade Max grade
0 E_bank_1 70 100
1 E_bank_2 41 100
2 E_bank_3 83 100

List containing the comaprative grades

# Metric Grade Max grade
0 E_bank_1 57 100
1 E_bank_2 55 100

List containing the cumultive grade

# Metric Grade Max grade
0 E_bank_1
1 E_bank_2
2 E_bank_3
3 50 100

Example Excel report

You can download the example Excel report from this tutorial here.