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The ITL Development Studio


IDL Develoment Studio was implemented with the help of the Tkinter Python library. Its purpose is to facilitate development of IDL assessment reports.

First Look

Supported features

IDL's integrated development environment supports following features:

  • File manipulation (opening, editing, saving)
  • Standard text operations (insert, copy, cut, paste)
  • Undo/Redo operations
  • Code execution
  • Visual support for easy locating errors in syntax
  • Numerical and graphical printing of the execution result
  • Automated populating of editor’s text box with the code pattern
  • Keyboard shortcuts


The first example of syntax error shows an improperly written code (user pressed the run button without finishing the assessment code). IDE prints the error contents in the IDL's terminal.


The second example of syntax error shows a misspelled variable name E_bannk (it should have been E_bank). IDE visually marks the error and prints its contents in the IDL's terminal.


The third example of syntax error shows a misspelled instruction name mettrics (it should have been metrics) IDE visually marks the error and prints its contents in the IDL's terminal with an error line number.
